Grab your blanket and boom box as MONO NO AWARE ventures upstate to the WarWick Drive in movie theater! Sit out under the stars with friends and snacks to watch a DOUBLE FEATURE (Films to be announced closer to the actual date - subject to the schedule of the drive-in) PLUS! The Warwick is a family owned and operated drive-in that wants to support MONO's educational initiatives so we'll be screening hand made Super 8mm and 16mm films between the double feature! This is always a blast to get out of the city and have some fun.
SUNDAY: July 15th - Bus leaves at 5:30 PM - ON THE DOT - DO NOT BE LATE -
MEET UP LOCATION: BAM ROSE CINEMA - 30 Lafayette Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217
INCLUDES: Transportation from Brooklyn NY to Warwick Drive in Movie theater NY - Ticket for 1 to 2 feature length films & MONO shorts projected OUTDOORS, various snacks and non-alcoholic beverages, transportation back to NYC at the end of the evening. This is a all night adventure under the starts, estimated ETA for return would be 1:30 AM Monday.
SEATS : Limited to 16
PRICE: $40 All inclusive!